Monday, October 9, 2017

Voodoo doll nail art

Oh how I love that voodoo that you do! Whaddaya think, is my voodoo doll cute or creepy? Someone must have one heck of a headache with that pin sticking out :-p

The lovely base is Picture Polish Haven that I got from Color4Nails. It's perfect!

I was playing around with some Flower Confetti from What's Up Nails, seeing what I could make with their round shape. Buttons came to mind! Buttons led to voodoo dolls and thus today's design was born :D

The doll is hand painted with acrylic paint, and ofcourse the button holes are hand painted too!

I received Picture Polish Haven and What's Up Nails Flower Confetti as a press sample. Opinions expressed are 100% my own and not influenced in any way other than the quality of the product itself.