Piggie's pages

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dress up doll nail art

I've been trying to find a way to make dress up doll nails... and finally I found it! It's worth checking out the design in action in the video, I promise it won't disappoint ;-) Click to see more!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

6 tips to get more followers on Instagram

Everybody wants to grow their Instagram following, right? I've been on Instagram for 3 years now, ever since I got my first smartphone (I was late to the party, okay?) and I've been loving the platform to make new friends and find loyal, smart, amazing followers. My account started as a personal one and slowly transformed into a nails only account with freehand nail art, tutorials, and funky videos. This week I passed 560k and it still baffles me to this day how I got there... but I have tips for you to get there as well! Come find out how to gain more Instagram followers!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Fairy love nail art (glow in the dark)

In the moonlight, they met. As he gazed deep into her eyes, he saw his own reflection and thought: "Wow, I look GOOD tonight!" Hihi! Click to see more!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Flakage! Snow nail art tutorial

While most of you are battling piles of snow, I have no flakage whatsoever. Nothing. Nada. Can you send some in the mail? Thanks! In the mean time, this nail art will have to do... Click to see more!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Funny faces nail art

Haha look at these crackpots! You know, with these funny faces staring at you all day, I don't think anyone can be sad :-p I made a video tutorial, in case you need something to cheer you up! Click to see more!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Freehand woven rainbow pattern nail art

This looks kind of like wraps, doesn't it? It's not though, it's paintstakingly painted :-p And by pain, I mean PAIN. It was fun at first and I like the result but ARGH! Haha and I tortured myself more by recording a video tutorial, so I hope you enjoy it! Click to see more!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Rock crystal/quartz nail art

These are crazy... I'm not really sure why I made them! Obviously not for actual wear but it was a fun experiment :-p Click to see more!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Freehand ballet shoes nail art

Did you know I used to dance on these? That was a loooong time ago though. And in Dutch we call them spitzen. Aaanyways, I have a video tutorial for this design so click to see more!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Freehand winter cabin landscape nail art

How about some winter warmth? Come enjoy some hot cocoa in my cosy cabin after a long icy trek through the snow! I recorded a tutorial to show you how I build up a landscape nail art design such as this. Click to see more!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Galaxy coffee nail art from space

Two weeks ago, I posted a galaxy donuts design and someone suggested some spacey coffee to wash it down. Thanks for the suggestion @formaggelle!! I also recorded a video tutorial for you guys, click to see more!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Freehand adorable hedgehogs nail art

When you see these cuties, don't you just feel like hugging someone? Do it! Grab the person closest to you and.... HUG! I made the cutest little video tutorial too so click to see more ;-)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Freehand sound waves nail art

The only proof you need of magic, is music. I couldn't live without it, could you? I recorded a fun little video tutorial too :) Hey that rhymes! Click to see more!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

3D dragon skin nail art

It is said that dragon scales bring strength of heart to those who carry them. A whole bunch fit on my nails so wow, imagine how determined I must be! This whole design was done with gel polish, no regular polish, which is weird for me, but also very cool. I have a video tutorial for you! Click to see more!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Freehand adorable polar bears nail art

What do polar bears like to eat? Brrr-grrrr's! Hihi! These two little ones are playing in the snow, celebrating winter. I also made a simple video tutorial so click to see more!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Freehand desert view landscape nail art

Don't you just feel so... irr-elephant? Hihi I had to make that joke :-p I know it's winter, but when you're feeling cold, just think of the desert, the hot blazing sun and sand up your... armpits! Video tutorial included, click to see more!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Galaxy donuts nail art

Donuts. In. Spaaaaace! Nuttin' to see here, just some donuts flying around the galaxy :-p There's a video tutorial for your enjoyment :) Click to see more!

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016: new level unlocked! New Year's nail art

New level unlocked! 2016 is now available to play! Congrats, all of you made it :D How did you spend your New Year's eve? I put the couches together, gathered all the pillows and watched TV shows in my little 'nest', hihi! There's also a video tutorial for this design, click to see more!