Monday, September 29, 2014

1 design, 3 ways! Floral lead lighting using Picture Polish

Hey ladies! I always wonder how something would look had I used another color, so I thought I'd show you how a different color combo can make a design look completely different! I used Picture Polish Cosmos, Ocean, Shocked, Shy Violet and Sea Jewel for a sort of lead lighting nail art. I got all of these from Pretty Polish. Oh and it glows in the dark too, so come check it out!

1. Classy

The first combo is very minimal and simple, I painted the flowers by hand using black acrylic paint and my Basic One Gold Detail Brush from Christrio Scotland. The white base is Pure Glow Getter from Serum No. 5 so it glows in the dark too, but I'll show you that later!

The gorgeous gold polish is two coats of Precious Faery V***** from Jior Couture, I reviewed this baby just this week so if you want to see how it looks on its own (and in the sunlight), be sure to take a look at my review!
I love this, even though it's way different from my usual style. It looks so chique!
2. Colorful

Next, I used Picture Polish Shocked for the two outer nails and I filled in my hand painted design using Picture Polish Shocked, Shy Violet and Sea Jewel. They are sheer polishes so they work great for lead lighting! I know lead lighting is usually done over stamping but hey, let me have my fun :-p
These polishes have a lot of holographic flecks in them and this translates to gorgeous depth in your design! If you paint in some flowers thicker than others, you will get a great difference in color intensity, making your design look more interesting. Try it!
It's a cool design but it wasn't exactly how I wanted it to look. The green made the whole design look like a kid's drawing, so I needed to do something else with it.
3. Blue

Tadaa!! I went for the blue theme, using Picture Polish Ocean, Cosmos and Sea Jewel to color in my design. This is so much better, I love this! The color on my index and pinkie fingers is Cosmos.
Don't you love this so much more? This combo is my favorite of the three. I love it so much that I wore it for a whole day! That almost never happens! Hihihihi
And yeah, I told you it glows in the dark! This is actually a really freaking cool effect, see? Because the jelly polishes let the light through, but it tints it a little bit, so you get nuances in the glow. I love it!

Check out the video tutorial below:

Music "Rainfall Serenade" by Kai Engel
Available on the Free Music Archive
Under CC BY license