Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Freaky ribbon nail art on Essie Meet Me At Sunset

Heyyy mah freaky-deeks! Sometimes I just feel the need to do something totally out of the box, á la Break Rules Not Nails, you know? I have this ribbon/lace and it looks freaky when it's rolled up, but it looks even weirder when it's glued to my nails over a base of Essie Meet Me At Sunset :D Click to see more!

I received this polish from 365nailart.com to make cool nail art with. Would you say that this qualifies as such?

I did try to put a thick top coat on it but all it did was bubble and it severely diminished the awesome effect. It's not meant for wear anyways, sometimes you just want to do something totally unpractical. And BOY was this unpractical! Haha!

Also, there's just one week left in the giveaway that me and 365nailart.com are having so if you haven't entered yet, be sure to check it out :D