... or did it? I used fake nails for this, so I could keep my current nail art on. I've been seeing these pictures of caviar nail art as well as plenty of do-it-yourself low-cost solutions, all the while wondering how it would feel. So I grabbed some of my craft supplies and made four test nails.
The pink one is very pretty. It's a little bit over the top maybe, it looks sweet enough to burn a hole in your teeth, but I like it. The green one is one I might wear. I've got this in red, blue and silver too, but I think I'd be too afraid that the sprinkles would come off. There's also the problem of the sprinkles not spreading evenly. Me being a perfectionist, I just couldn't stand it. The purple nail is very extravagant. The tip is sprinkled with something I can only describe as glass shards. With a topcoat over it, it's not as sharp anymore, but I'd call it unfit to wear for real.

Which one of these nails is your favorite? Would you wear any nail art that would feel uncomfortable, just because you think it's pretty?
I like the pink one the best, and then the purple. I couldn't wear anything that is sticking out from the nail, because I know I'd pick in it until it was gone! LOL